Optimise Your Tax Returns with Professional Individual Tax Planning and Preparation Services
At ACTEK Business Solutions NT Pty Ltd, we understand that individual tax preparation can be a daunting task. That’s why our dedicated team of tax professionals is here to help. Whether you’re a salaried employee, freelancer, or self-employed, our expertise in individual tax matters ensures that you receive accurate and efficient tax preparation services. We stay up-to-date with the latest tax laws and regulations, identifying potential deductions and credits to minimise your tax liability. With our assistance, you can navigate the complex world of individual tax with confidence, ensuring compliance while maximising your tax savings.
How we can help
- Personalised Tax Planning: We offer personalised tax planning services to help you minimise your tax liability and identify potential deductions and credits specific to your unique financial situation. Our team stays up to date with the latest tax laws and regulations to provide you with accurate and strategic tax planning advice.
- Comprehensive Tax Preparation: Our tax experts will meticulously prepare your individual tax returns, ensuring accuracy and compliance with all applicable tax laws. We take the time to review your financial information thoroughly, maximising deductions and credits to help you optimise your tax position.
- Tax Compliance Support: Staying compliant with tax regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal issues. We provide ongoing support and guidance to help you meet all tax compliance requirements, including reporting income, claiming deductions, and fulfilling filing obligations.
- Expert Tax Consulting: Our tax consultants are available to answer your tax-related questions and provide guidance on various tax matters. Whether you need advice on investment taxation, rental property tax implications, or any other tax-related concerns, we are here to help you make informed decisions.
- Audit Assistance: In the event of an ATO audit or inquiry, we offer professional audit assistance services. Our team will represent you, gather the necessary documentation, and communicate with tax authorities on your behalf, ensuring a smooth and efficient resolution.
- Tax Education and Resources: We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. We provide educational resources, tax updates, and personalised guidance to help you better understand your tax obligations, make informed decisions, and plan for the future.

We prioritise personalised service, attention to detail, and a client-centric approach. Our goal is to simplify the individual tax process for you, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome while saving you time, money, and unnecessary stress.Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our expertise in individual tax matters can benefit you.
What you will need
General Details:
- Photo ID or copy
- Current address and bank account details (if changed from last year)
- Contact details (mobile and email)
- Spouse income details (if applicable)
- Dependent details (if applicable)
- PAYG Payment Summaries
- Interest earned from your bank account, including tax withheld if any
- Additional income details if any (e.g. ABN income, dividends, management fund/trust/partnership distribution/foreign income etc)
- Work related car expenses (Motor Vehicle) other than to/from work, please provide the total mileage of the car for the purpose of followings:
- Travel between different work places, including from 1st to 2nd job
- Drive to meeting, training, visiting sites from office/home
- Carrying bulky tools / equipment (generally >10kg) for trades person
- If a logbook is kept, please provide all itemised expenses details of the car, including purchase details.
- Travel expenses
- Out of pocket flight/accommodation/meals/incidentals for work trip if not reimbursed by employer
- Parking and tolls incurred during the work trip which are not reimbursed
- Travel diary if stayed over 6 nights or more in a row
- Note: generally travel expenses incurred during holiday/annual leave are not deductible unless mainly for work purposes
- Work related expenses including:
- Uniform (must be with a logo or occupational specified) dry cleaning and purchase costs
- Work related courses or self-education expenses (e.g. professional development courses)
- Work related union fees / professional membership fees / registration fees
- Mobile phone and % for work
- Internet connection and % for work
- Computer/laptop/tablet purchase date of cost as well as % used for work
- Cost of stationery/printing/office equipment (receipts need to be available on request)
- If have a separate home office, please provide no. of hours worked from home each week
- Donations (name of the charity and amount)